Gaumont State Kilburn

199 Kilburn High Road,
London, NW6 7HY

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Tiny Ron Knee

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Uploaded on: August 25, 2020

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Gaumont State Cinema

Organ concerts were quite frequent at the State. I was a young House Manager in 1969 at the Odeon Hammersmith, where then there were four Managers and a Box Office Manager. I was sent to the State while the resident Manager Walter Weir was on holiday for three weeks. During my stay, there was also a regular BBC Broadcast from the State by Sandy Macpherson. The Wurlitzer used to revolve as it rose on the lift and he fell off. The BBC technician asked me to call an ambulance, they arrived and checked him over,however, apart from shock he was fine, needless to say after such an experience he went home. The State organ had a short time lapse, this was caused by the single pipe chamber being situated on the opposite side of the vast width of the auditorium.

Ron Knee

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