CineArts 5 at Pleasant Hill

2314 Monument Boulevard,
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

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Tiny Prof David Ducay

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Uploaded on: September 18, 2013

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Century Theater Pleasant Hill

The original Century Theater photograph before it became the CineArts 5 Theater.

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Comments (2)

terrywade on September 18, 2013 at 11:19 pm

Now a pile of rubble because the money hungry Syufy Brothers wanted to develop the space and develop It thru the real estate company they own SkyWest. Thousands of people tried to save the theatre. The Syufy’s don’t care about the theatre business these days. The Domes in San Jose are about to bulldozed also.

Prof David Ducay
Prof David Ducay on September 27, 2013 at 6:04 pm

It is sad we lost another historical theatre, the Syufy family have owned so many theaters in the past as well, in Vallejo they had the Rita, Victory, El Rey, Vallejo Drive-In plus others and none of those are around today. I heard they owned other theatres in Concord and Oakland etc. back in the day as well. I know they Syufy Enterprises goes by the Century name but I guess their new business is just real estate and not their once foundation of moving picture houses anymore.

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