Plaza Theatre

368 Sydney Road,
Melbourne, VIC 3058

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Plaza Theatre 368 Sydney Road, Coburg, VIC - 1934 Henry Olag Peterson opened the Plaza Theatre in Coburg in 1934, while continuing to run the Coburg City Hall until the arrival of Hoyts in 1939

Plaza Theatre 368 Sydney Road, Coburg, VIC

Henry Olag Peterson Showman

Photo courtesy of - Coburg Historical Society

Henry Olag Peterson opened the Plaza Theatre in Coburg in 1934, while continuing to run the Coburg City Hall until the arrival of Hoyts in 1939. Hoyts ran the venue under the title Hoyts Town Hall Pictures Coburg until 1951. The Coburg Town Hall had closed for pictures by the end of 1956.

Contributed by Greg Lynch -

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