Uptown Theatre Wins Political Endorsement; Continues Fundraising

posted by Ross Melnick on September 13, 2002 at 12:25 pm

CHICAGO, IL — The Uptown Theatre and Center for the Arts is working tirelessly in its efforts to secure enough financing to purchase and begin restoring the palatial Uptown Theatre.

To promote the theater and continue bringing in much needed revenue, the group has announced the advanced sale of its 2003 Uptown Theatre calendar which will be in full color and available to be shipped in mid-October:

You marveled at, even framed, the beautiful B&W photos from the 2002 Uptown Theatre calendar. Our newest gem features 12 new equally beautiful photographs by Chicago photographer Loren Robare. It is our second and final calendar to showcase photos of the theatre in its current deteriorated state, and is sure to become a collector’s item.

To purchase copies of the calendar, log on to the group’s website and place an advanced order.

In other Uptown Theatre news, the UTCA has also won a political endorsement from Alderman Mary Ann Smith who writes in a letter dated September 5, 2002:

I am delighted to offer my full support for the plans currently being proposed for the Uptown Theatre with the development team you are putting in place. This building is a treasure which I, along with dozens of other neighborhood people and preservationists nationwide have fought for decades to protect.

It is imperative that this first best chance to restore the theatre to an active and vibrant life be the best it can possibly be … My support for the plan is based on the caliber of the firms and individuals you have brought on board, whose knowledge and experience will maximize the prospects for the success of this huge undertaking …

I, along with the rest of the 48th Ward community, look forward to working with you hand in hand to bring back the brilliance of the Uptown Theatre.

For more information on the Uptown Theatre read the recent UR Chicago article.

(Thanks to Michael Beyer for his tireless contributions on behalf of the Uptown.)

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