Raymond Theatre Needs Your Help!!!

posted by Ross Melnick on January 24, 2003 at 9:32 am

We received the following letter this week regarding the Friends of the Raymond Theatre’s effort to save the 1927 movie house:


Donations are desperately needed for us to continue our work to preserve the Raymond Theatre. With the help of our supporters, Friends of the Raymond Theatre has accomplished a great deal, but our financial needs for this project still remain a large concern.

We are now down to the 11th hour, and we still we need to raise $3,200 IMMEDIATELY to make our final payment on our legal bill. We also need to be aware, should we lose in court (though we have all intention of prevailing), that we need to be prepared for an appeal to the Court of Appeals.

To appeal, we must first pay off our $3,200 which is due NOW and also be prepared with a significant downpayment on February 11th. We need to make sure we can meet these financial challenges in the next few weeks.

A tall order, yes, but doable if we ALL pull together and help by sending a donation. We need to raise about $1,000 a week, in the next 3 weeks or sooner. Currently donations are coming in at about $20 to $150 a week.

Please, please wont you consider donating whatever you can by donating $5, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or more.

We are a project of Spirit of the Sage, under Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a California 501 ©(3) tax exempt organization, tax identification # 95-4116679.

All donations are tax deductible, or can be given as a loan, which would be repaid in full or part if we are awarded our money back from the courts. Please state what you prefer for our records.

To make a donation, please make your check payable to:

Friends of the Raymond Theatre
P.O. Box 91189
Pasadena, CA 91109 – 1189

You can also make a donation online from our website on the “donate” page or by going to: www.PayPal.com. Pay Pal accepts all major credit cards. Our e-mail address for PayPal is: .

If you wish to make an anonymous donation, please let us know. Once again, we are at a critical turning point and on a short timeline to
raise money. We hope everyone will lend a hand and donate whatever you can.

I will let everyone know how much we raised by this weekend and/or Monday of next week. Thank you for your continued help in preserving the Raymond Theatre.

Gina Zamparelli
Friends of the Raymond Theatre

Office: (818) 541-9522
Fax: (818) 541-9523
Website: www.raymondtheatre.com

PS: If you could pass this e-mail on to your friends, family or co-workers, or take up a donation pool for us, we would be very grateful for any assistance our supporters can give.

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