Ambassador Gets New Owner, Fate Remains Uncertain

posted by Patrick Crowley on December 17, 2003 at 6:56 am

SALFORD, ENGLAND — The Ambassador Super Cinema has changed hands again, according to a report on ManchesterOnline.

The new owner, McDermott Developments, a local real estate development company, had originally planned to demolish the theater and replace it with 31 apartments. However, these plans do not appear to be finalized.

As Andrew Darbyshire, a McDermott developer, put it: “We bought it with the benefit of planning permission. But I do not want to say anything yet regarding our intentions. We don’t know what to do yet.”

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Comments (1)

sdoerr on December 17, 2003 at 10:45 am

everyone get their address and email and we can send them letters of opposition! Stay Strong!

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