Classic Films Joining Bollywood Features At Des Plaines Theatre

posted by btkrefft on October 1, 2004 at 9:30 am

DES PLAINES, IL — A deal struck between the owners of the Des Plaines Theatre and the Des Plaines Theatre Preservation Society recently opens the way for the Society to begin screening classic Hollywood films at the 79 year-old movie palace in downtown Des Plaines. The theater also screens Bollywood fare.

In return, the Society will find volunteer workers to begin renovations on the theater, beginning with the marquee, which is one of the symbols of this Chicago suburb. The group will begin work on the marquee on October 9th, according to Paul H. Saletnik, the vice president of operations for the Preservation Society. The neon lighting of the marquee will also hopefully be repaired as well.

The Society will kick off its screenings October 22nd through the 24th, with short films, live entertainment, and tours of the theater. Full restoration of the twinned Des Plaines is expected to cost around $4.5 million.

Should the theater be listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it would become eligible for federal grant and other monies to help with the cost of restoring the movie house. However, its owners, who purchased the theater a year ago as a venue for Indian films, have resisted listing the theater and have no plans to do so in the near future.

In addition to classic films, the Society plans to present live entertainment and festivals. According to the Society’s president, Douglas Bryan Bean, “Our expectations at this point are that we’ll be able to present at least weekly. It’s a very exciting opportunity for the whole city.”

For more information, read this report from the Daily Herald.

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Comments (3)

Broan on October 1, 2004 at 12:07 pm

That’s odd, the rest of my comment disappeared. The photo is from earlier this year; also, the theater’s entry isn’t entirely correct; the only art deco touches in the theater are the marquee and arguably the lobby; the exterior is best described as Spanish Baroque and the house Atmospheric.

ifemorena on October 4, 2004 at 12:29 am


I am glad to see you guys will be showing classic hollywood films. do you know a good distrubtor to contact if i would like to screen them as well in my theater in new york?


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