Memories Of Newsreel Theaters?
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November 30, 2004 at 8:36 am
Does anyone have any memories of newsreel cinemas?
I’m a graduate student at Brown University and I’m working on a project about newsreels in the United States. I’m particularly interested in how people remember these specialized theaters.
I’d be interested to hear anecdotes or specific memories, but i’d also be interested to hear about the more mundane details of visiting these cinemas. When and how often would you go? How much did it cost? Did you go to see films of specific news/sports events? Which ones?
Please email me your memories directly at
Comments (3)
I hope you get many responses though this site, but if not, you may find a goodly number of memories recorded at the largest repository of theatre/cinema data in this hemisphere: The Theatre Historical Soc. of America which is at: Click on the icon ARCHIVE at their site for details on how to view their records.
I imagine the Historical Society is a wealth of information, and it would be a great place to visit frequently, if one were in Chicago. For those of us who will never travel so far, we can only imagine. It reminds me of the Ackermansion of Famous Monsters of Filmland when I was a kid reading the magazine and wishing someday to visit Forry.
For some additional research info on the contents of newsreels up to 1967, try the URL listed below: