A Playbill from the Grand Theatre

posted by Patrick Crowley on February 13, 2004 at 7:18 am

BALTIMORE, MD – Ed Dobbins sent in some scans of a Grand Theatre playbill he recently acquired:

“A friend just sent me an original playbill of the Grand Theatre from December, 1956… I never though I’d get to see something like this. The cool thing about the playbill is the back – all of the major theaters in the area and what they are showing that week.”

Theaters in this post

Comments (2)

sdoerr on February 13, 2004 at 12:30 pm

Wow, thanks Ed! Hey went you gonna respond to me on AIM or email? LOL. But anyways I enjoy the playbill thanks for submitting

mikechopragant on July 27, 2004 at 7:34 am

This sort of thing is invaluable to cinema historians. Does anyone know where more documents of this sort might be found?


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