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March 19, 2004 at 6:52 am
I have 150-175 theater seats that are available for free. Please contact me for further details.
Jason Womack
Comments (29)
where are these located? and are there any left?
These are located in Brookings Oregon, which is on the coastal border of Oregon and California. They are all still available.
Do you have any seats?
If you have any seats left are you willing to ship them at buyers expense ?
Yes, we are willing to ship per your cost. Where are you located? How many do you want and how would you like them shipped?
I would love to get a few but could you send me a pic of the seats and what is the location of the seats? Any idea on the price of shipping?
I will send you a couple pictures of the seats this afternoon. The seats are located in Brookings Oregon and I have not checked how much it would cost to ship them.
We can’t store these seats much longer, so if you are interested in them, please let me know asap.
How many are still left?
can you send a picture or two to my email address? sweeny@knology.net
i’m willing to take one off your hands and ill pay the entire shipping cost, thanks.
I might take a bunch off your hands and pay shipping costs. may I see a photo or two? thanks :)
Yes i will send you some pictures. Send me you email address so I can forward them to you.
my email address is sweeny@knology.net
Please email me a photo. I’d also appreciate any historical info you can give on the seats (eg approximate age, origin of the seats, etc.) zsazsarozo@netzero.net
I am interested in the seats, please email me if there are any left! Thanks.
would also be interested in 5 or so of these…email me a pic or two thanks, tnjreese@cox.net
Here is my email: butterfly@brentmichaeldavids.com
I am very interested in the seats, please send me a couple photos yes.
I guess you would need my email if you want to email me, huh? maestro@cableone.net
I’m interested too. Could you please send pix. Thanks! mattdon@cox.net
Interested in a few seats if you have a few left. Please email me at irish88@buffalo.com with pics if possible.
I tried emailing you back, not sure if you got it. I was wondering if they are available only in groups of 4, and how wide those 4 seats combined are. Also wondering about shipping rates… please email me, maestro@cableone.net
Interested in 10 seats if they are still available. If so, how much would shipping cost from Brookings, OR to Berwyn, PA? Please email me at brian_mailey@yahoo.com with some pics. thanks…….
I am very interested in 5-10 seats. I am in Orlando, FL 32826. Please contact me ASAP with pics at ma233457@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu Thanks!
If you still have 7-9 seats left, I would be willing to pay for shipping. Please contact me with pics: roystersplacedialup.com
hello Jason, was wondering if you can send me some pics of the seats. I can possibly take 5-9 seats if they are still available. Please send pics to mractor@cox.net
All of the seats are still available. The seats are in rows of 4 to 5 seats per section. The seats are FREE and are available for pickup only form Brookings, Oregon. Shipping costs is too high. Please contact me if you are interested.
Dear Jason,
I would love to get my hands on about 75 seats. I’m thinking I could fly up and rent a truck to drive them back to southern california. Let me know if you still have them, send a pic please, and I’ll check on the cost of getting there and back. My name is Andy and would appreciate hearing from you. My Email is raggidee@aol.com
Thanks, Andy
Are these seats still available? I may know someone who wants all of them.
Are the seats still available?