Herald-Dispatch Reports on Fate of Keith Albee

posted by Ross Melnick on June 28, 2004 at 8:42 pm

HUNTINGTON, WV — The Herald-Dispatch discusses the fate of the Keith Albee as the new Pullman Square project progresses. The mixed-use real estate development will house a new megaplex which threatens the viability of the historic movie palace. For more information visit their special section housing either of these two stories:

“Preserving Old Theaters Is A Struggle”

“Many would mourn loss of Keith as movie house”

Theaters in this post

Comments (2)

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick on June 29, 2004 at 12:08 am

When it’s gone … it’s gone for good.

Can every theater be saved for movies? No. Can many theaters be saved for other purposes? With public and/or private support — yes, I think they can.

If the city of Huntington truly wants to preserve the Keith Albee, it will be saved for future generations.

If the theater is lost, one day the city will look to build a new venue for concerts or other entertainment and someone will say, “Boy, I wish they had preserved the Keith Albee years ago.”

Many other cities already feel that way.

jpritt5522 on July 1, 2004 at 9:07 pm

I grew up in huntington and cannot stand the thought of something happening to this theatre. What can citizens such as myself do to help? The place is rich in history and the most beautiful theatre I have been visited. The Fox theatre in Atlanta (my current home) is half the size and prospers so much.

What can normal citizens do in situations like this?

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