Trying To Find “Exit”
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September 15, 2004 at 7:28 am
I am trying to track down a copy of Robert Headley’s 1974 book, Exit: A History of Movies in Baltimore. There’s a copy in the Library of Congress, but I am based in London, UK, and that’s a long way to go just to find out that the book is not what I am looking for.
Is anyone aware of a UK library that holds a copy or where I might get hold of my own copy?
Comments (6)
According to Worldcat, there are 20 copies of this book in libraries around the US, including copies at Columbia University, Tufts University, and at many libraries in the Baltimore/Washington, DC area.
Hi Mike, I finally tracked down a copy of ‘Exit’ after searching for it for many years. I live in London, UK so if you would like to make arrangements to come over and take a look at it, please get in touch. Ken
I know there’s a copy available at the Baltimore Public Library as I’ve seen the book for myself. Baltimore’s public library is called the Enoch Pratt Free Library. The main branch is located on Franklin St. As soon as I find their website, I’ll give the e-mail address. Perhaps they can see you a copy – but, unfortunately, I think there’s only one copy.
May I ask why you’re interested in Robert Headley’s book? Since you’re in the UK I can’t grasp why the interest in Baltimore’s film theatres.
By the way, if you’re interested in an overview of Baltimore’s film theatres up to at least up to the 1970’s and 1980’s this is the book.
Sorry, I suddenly noted the date of publication. It’s only up to the early ‘70s. I can tell you that a majority of the theatres mentioned – especially the downtown theatres – no longer exist except for their marquees and buildings. For example, The TOwer Theatre closed down sometime in the 80’s. The other downtown theatres closed by the late '80’s and early '90s. At least the Hippodrome has been saved and revitalized as Baltimore’s premiere legitimate theatre. The Mechanic Theatre was no longer up to date even though it was built 50 years after the Hippodrome. Ironically, the Hippodrome had the space and capablities for big shows – which probably says much for those older theatres!
Robert Kirk Headley is retired and living in the Washington D.C. area, and can be reached through the Theatre Historical Society of America (for which he was once Editor of their MARQUEE magazine) at: www.HistoricTheatres.org where on their front page you will find the Ex. Director’s E-mail; contact him and ask him to forward a message to the author asking if him if he happens to have any more copies he could sell you (some publishers will give unsold copies to the author).
I don’t know if it is available internationally, but most all libraries in the USA subscribe to the national Inter-Library Loan Service and are linked electronically. You might ask your nearest large public library to check to see if they are able to obtain a loan of a copy via this service, where your local library acts as the lending agent and assumes responsibility for the book. It is likely that they will ask you for the to-and-fro shipping charges in advance.
The Society does list the book in their BOOKSTORE link, but no source for it.
Thanks to everyone who responded.
for Michael 21046
Just to answer your question, I am an academic film historian at a London University and my interest in this book ties in with a research project I am trying to get off the ground.