URGENT! The Trylon Theater Still Needs Your Help!

posted by jurayj on September 7, 2004 at 7:40 am

REGO PARK, NY — The wonderful Art Deco Trylon Theater in Queens is endangered. We have asked the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission to calendar and designate this structure, but so far no action has been taken.

Please help us by emailing the chair of the Landmarks Commission Robert Tierney and voicing your support. His email address is .org.

Also, please email NYC council member Melinda Katz asking her to change her mind and support designation of this gem. Currently she will not lend her support and it is thought that this prevents designation by the LPC. Her email address is .ny.us.

For more information and pictures of the Trylon, please visit the Historic Districts Councils website.

Theaters in this post

Comments (1)

NativeForestHiller on August 6, 2005 at 2:13 pm

URGENT UPDATE (Please read): Many Forest Hills and Rego Park, NY residents feel strongly about the preservation of the Art Deco/Moderne Trylon Theater (98-81 Queens Blvd). However, last week it was heartbreaking to see demolition men smashing the Art Deco mosaic tiles on the ticket booth with a jack hammer, & boarding up the entrance pavillion. It is going to be converted into a Bukharian Center. I tried contacting the NY Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) to have at least the facade landmarked, since it is one of the LAST STANDING architectural & historical gems that bear strong significance to the 1939 World’s Fair. The LPC told me that they are aware of it, and they’re concerned as well, but they are slow in acting. They advised me to also contact other historical societies/preservation groups, and spread the word. Hopefully, we can have the Trylon theater landmarked, and possibly coordinate a fundraiser to restore the exterior. I understand that the demolition of the RKO Keith Theatre in Flushing was halted by the city a little while ago, & is currently undergoing a restoration.

I was informed by a higher official that there is still a chance that the 1939 historic Trylon Theater can be saved, designated a landmark, & then a fundraiser/restoration can be organized. The only factor that is “preventing landmark designation” from the NY Landmarks Preservation Commission is a signature from local councilwoman, “Melinda Katz,” who is reluctant to give her approval. We need detailed letters, phone calls, & E-mails to Councilwoman Melinda Katz. It is not too late to convince her to reverse her decision! (This has to be a LOCAL & NATIONWIDE effort)

FOREST HILLS, N.Y. 11375-6735
(718) 544-8800

NEW YORK, NY 10007
PHONE/FAX: (212) 669-7955

Co-Chair of the Modern Architecture Working Group & Historic Districts Council would like to be contacted as well, so he can keep track of how many letters are being sent:
John Jurayj: E-mail:
Phone: (718)782-2007

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