Regarding first-run movies in the home, if Steven Soderbergh wants to release his latest film to theatres and DVD at the same time it is his choice, however, I believe it would be blow to an already struggling movie theatre industry. I would hope all theatre owners boycott the film and refuse to show it in theatres unless Mr. Soderbergh holds off the DVD realease untill after the theatrical run of at least four to six months.
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Regarding first-run movies in the home, if Steven Soderbergh wants to release his latest film to theatres and DVD at the same time it is his choice, however, I believe it would be blow to an already struggling movie theatre industry. I would hope all theatre owners boycott the film and refuse to show it in theatres unless Mr. Soderbergh holds off the DVD realease untill after the theatrical run of at least four to six months.