Starting an Indie Cinema in Omaha

posted by ddijock on February 3, 2005 at 4:45 am

Hey everyone —

A friend of mine is starting an independent cinema in Omaha, from the ground up. She is looking for any advice/resources/guides she can find? Does anyone have any of these things?

Thanks so much!

Comments (4)

lsb on February 3, 2005 at 6:39 am

I don’t know where she can start. But here in Dallas we have several independent cinemas…one for example is the Angelika Theatre. I want to say that Angelika is a chain. There is one I think in California and two in Texas. It seems that they show alot of films that were say at the Sundance Film Festival, other film festivals or foreign movies that did really well abroad.

David Wodeyla
David Wodeyla on February 3, 2005 at 1:27 pm

First, your friend should read the messages on this site under the category of “Theatres in Need.” Next got to this link for lots more information. Jim Rankin gives all the links you’ll need.

JimRankin on February 3, 2005 at 2:30 pm

David kindly gives me more credit there than may be due, since my article there focuses on Landmarking and Preservation, which can be different matters than operating a cinema today. For advice on that aspect, one could do no better than to read through the Archives of the FORUMS of the site: where present day operators of cinemas across the nation have shared their achievements and frustrations. Be sure to read their FAQs first.

donrataj on February 9, 2005 at 12:25 pm

You need a solid plan and the Architect who can make the magic happen.
Rataj Krueger Architects is a Theater design firm, please see our recent theaters on the web site at

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