Today’s Newsreel

posted by Patrick Crowley on April 7, 2005 at 2:35 pm

Comments (6)

IanJudge on April 7, 2005 at 6:20 pm

regarding the 3-D article: I attended the seminar at ShoWest and was unimpressed. They said “no headaches, no blurred vision, no double vision” and yet I experienced all 3 as did the person next to me. Lucas just wants us to pay for “Star Wars” in yet another version. As for Cameron saying “you’ve got 2 years to get ready” most of the exhibitors in the room seemed to respond to each other: “these big-shots better get ready to pay for it then” Film projector technology has not changed all that much since the introduction of sound; a 50-year-old Simplex and a brand new 35mm projector can play the same film format just fine, but how many new digital projectors will theaters have to buy every few years as technology changes? Think of how many times you have to buy a new PC to keep up with technology… it is very easy for these film-makers to push this on theater owners… THEY don’t have to pay for it.

stevenj on April 7, 2005 at 7:45 pm

Re:Evolution concerns prompt censorship. This seems unbelievable. The right wing religious zealots can now dictate which movies are going to be shown in our theatres? This sounds more like communist Russia or China than the “land of freedom”. Can’t the people who don’t believe in evolution just skip this IMAX film and let the rest of the people in Texas and the Carolinas see it? The stranglehold these intollerant people have is going to suffocate the rest of us.

Ron Newman
Ron Newman on April 7, 2005 at 8:37 pm

what is ‘PSP’ ? The article doesn’t explain.

Ron Newman
Ron Newman on April 7, 2005 at 8:39 pm

How can you convert an existing 2-D film to 3-D? Doesn’t 3-D require shooting with two cameras that are in slightly different locations (thus producing perspective)?

IanJudge on April 7, 2005 at 9:53 pm

You are correct Ron – this new “3-D” is more like the old multiplane cameras used in animation back in the 30’s and 40’s – for example, the clip of “Star Wars” I saw at the seminar was not ‘true’ 3-D, it was more like a character on one plane and the background on another (if that makes any sense). Now, on the other hand, some of the digitally created images (Polar Express, etc) that was specifically designed for the medium looked OK – but not the old stuff made anew.

Eddie J
Eddie J on April 8, 2005 at 6:38 am

PSP is the PlayStation Portable
it uses UMD (Universal Media Discs) and there have been some movies released for it

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