The Sound Of Music – 40 Years!
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June 3, 2005 at 3:56 am
I saw this movie when I was young in the Downtown Mann in Minneapolis, and later in the St. Louis Park Cinerama. Both were widescreen presentations: the Mann was an old fashioned ‘Roadshow’ presentation, but I believe the Park showing was in original Todd-AO or SuperPanavision.
Does anyone know of a planned 70mm showing scheduled anywhere for the 40th year anniversary of this classic in a theater up to the task?
Comments (10)
My God, where has the time gone? This was the first 70mm film I ever ran as a projectionist. I remember looking out the porthole and seeing a full theatre and was scared to death I would mess up. The great old Norelco`s did thier job very well, and after reel #3 I had gained allot of confidence,and as they say, the rest is history.I really miss 70mm.
Dave Grau (Mungo)
When will the Downtown Mann have its own listing on Cinema Treasures? Budyboy, do you know enough about it to post one?
The print of ‘The Sound of Music’ shown at Bradford Film Festival was a new Todd-AO 70mm print and was presented on the Cinerama curved screen. Other Todd-AO and 70mm prints shown were: ‘Out of Africa’; ‘Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines’; ‘Doctor Dolittle’; ‘Hello Dolly’; ‘Baraka’; ‘Star!’; ‘Oklahoma!’; ‘Miracle of Todd-AO’; ‘March of Todd-AO’; ‘South Pacific’; and ‘The Agony and the Ecstasy’. Also shown was the three-strip Cinerama ‘How The West Was Won’ and the single lens 70mm Cinerama presentation of ‘Scent of Mystery’(aka ‘Holiday in Spain’) first released in the US in Aromarama.
All this in five days, what a festival!
I don’t know of any currently scheduled anniversary screenings other than what has been mentioned in this thread. I’ve made the suggestion to several festival directors. If you know anyone who works at a theater equipped with 70mm and DTS, I would suggest encouraging them to try to book the new print. (I do not know if Fox has struck any new 35mm prints. I’ve seen the new 70, and it looks fantastic!)
Related to the film’s anniversary is tribute article and original roadshow engagement list that I’ve been working on for a while. I think this is right up the alley of the average Cinema Treasures regular, so I’d like to bring this to your attention in case you’re not already aware of it.
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Non-fans of “The Sound Of Music” and those unfamiliar with the roadshow era will likely not understand or appreciate the list. But those of you who are fans of the movie and/or understand the appeal of the roadshow-style presentations will probably like the list and will “get” the nostalgia and history.
I’ll be curious to see how this thread develops and who will point out if and where they saw “The Sound Of Music” in its original run.
“When will the Downtown Mann have its own listing on Cinema Treasures? Budyboy, do you know enough about it to post one?” (Jesse Hoheisel)
An interesting book on the subject of Minneapolis area movie theaters is “Show Houses: Twin Cities Style” by Kirk J. Besse (Victoria, 1995).
Here is what I found on line about the Downtown Mann, originally, and (Yeah!) the now restored Pantages Theater! A success story, congrats to Minneapolis!!
Link below includes photos and also info about two other great theaters they have saved, the Orpheum and the State.
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Thanks guys!
“Sound of Music” ran for 22 months at the Mann Theatre, Minneapolis. Was assigned to the projection booth for 8 of the 22 month. Theatre ran 10 shows per week during the winter and 14 shows per week during the summer and holiday weeks. There were two two man crews each running half the weekly schedule. Same 70mm print used for the entire run.
Same 70mm print used for the entire run.
posted by Dick on Jun 19, 2005 at 1:22pm
Wow. I think it was there a bit longer, but bet some Film-Tech buddies would luv to know that professionally run films lasted
a bit longer than what they do now……but then, what would I know.
I didn’t get to see “Sound of Music” during any 40th-year anniversary screenings of it, but I did see it when it first came out, at a theatre in Boston (though I forget which one), and, as a teenager about to enter high school, was quite impressed by it. Years later, I saw it on TV, and then, some years after that, I saw a sing-a-long of SOM at the Coolidge Theatre, in Brookline, MA.