William Riseman Associates
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July 21, 2005 at 4:28 am
I’m Bill Riseman’s daughter-in-law and I know how to get in touch with people who know the locations of many of his theaters, know the history of his firm, have some photographs, and perhaps have plans as well.
If anybody has the time and interest to do the research, please contact me at namesir@earthlink.net.
Jeannie Riseman
PS: One theater I do recall is Fresh Pond Cinema, Fresh Pond Mall, Cambridge, MA. It’s still there, after having been remodelled at least twice.
Comments (2)
There are probably many who would be interested in the details of the architectural history of your Father-In-Law’s firm, and which theatres he designed. I think the Northshore Cinema in Peabody, the South Shore Plaza Cinema in Braintree, and other shopping center theatres owned by General Cinema in the 1960s, were some. I wonder if he designed any of their bowling alleys in the late 1950’s or 60s? I sent you an email and hope you’ll reply. Thanks for posting here.
I knew Bill in 1973 when he recorded the Telemann Society on location at Middlesex School in Concord, MA. He was a very kind man, and I admired him for his recording studio called Aengus in Fayville and especially with his creativity in designing the Aengus Mixing Console. I am impressed with his work in architecture and mourn his passing in 1994. Just now, I found out about the accident that took his precious life in 1994. He was a wonderful man whom I will never forget.
Otto Schulze
The Telemann Society
American Conservatory of Music