UC Theatre to Become JazzClub? Hurdles Mount
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September 12, 2005 at 5:51 am
BERKELEY, CA — Just when it will happen remains a question, but the closed UC Theatre is being sought after as the home of a jazz club.
Gloria Mendoza and Michael Govan, until recently operators of Kimball East, a prominent jazz club, have submitted an application for approval with the City of Berkeley for a plan to reconfigure the theater, replacing the row seats with fixed U-shaped booths seating 596 people. Additional movable tables and chairs could increase the capacity to 900.
But there are a few things to be settled before the revitalizations can commence.
More details available from this report by Richard Brenneman in the Berkeley Daily Planet.
Comments (1)
The Berkeley City Council approved it and I have seen the plans. About 650 seats with traditional seating in the center and platforms on the sidews and back for table seating with a dance floor in front and extended stage. It is a great use for the theater.
Gary Meyer
I programmed the UC from 1976 through the mid 90s.