Saving vintage theaters

posted by Natalieland2006 on November 2, 2006 at 4:45 am

How’s everyone in the theater industry today? I’m in the market for purchasing vintage theaters. It can be tough to raise the money to save a historic landmark. A broker told me that his company has no regard for existing market values for a historic theater. The sales price on a given theater is all that mattered on a given purchase agreement. One would figure what’s the world coming to? What are people being taught these days? That’s what the late Jackie Gleason would ask. What ever happened to Hollywood?

There are plenty of theaters to be saved. Some have been well established for over a century that are still running full capacity. Some of the successful ones are multi-purposed. Business deals ought to have more common sense like in the old days.

If anyone has any private or public leads for funding purchases to revitalize any given theater venue, please e-mail me at or with your information. It would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards.

Comments (2)

NativeForestHiller on March 20, 2008 at 2:39 am

Hi, I am a preservationist who is seeking parties that would be interested in an early 20th century Thomas Lamb theater in NY, which is currently endangered. It may be available for lease or sale. Please contact me at your earliest convenience for more information:

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