Rheem Theater’s new face

posted by hhaidari on November 7, 2006 at 7:38 am

MORAGA, CA — A new corporation has taken over the Rheem Theatre and has brought an enormous change.

The staff is always properly dressed and professional. They have put a great amount of money to enhance consumer experience from walking into the lobby to sound and picture. They have introduced foreign movies, so now you can enjoy a nice cup of Espresso while watching an Italian classic.

They have done miracles with the place and I would urge you to visit it again.

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Comments (1)

HowardBHaas on November 8, 2006 at 8:28 am

Maybe other movie theater exhibitors could send their staff down to the Rheem for training in being “always properly dressed and professional” That would make a nice difference nationwide in moviegoing!

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