Saving The Madison Theatre in East Atlanta Village
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December 22, 2006 at 12:57 pm
ATLANTA, GA — I am very close to starting a fundraising/renovation project to reopen The Madison Theatre. Currently, I am working on getting her on the National Registry and Landmark status locally. Both of these designations would allow us to raise funds and receive grants/tax incentives to get the project completed.
Anyone who has any historical knowledge, ideas, know-how to help get this done, please drop me a note.
Thanks and keep your fingers crossed.
Comments (1)
Hi, I just discovered this site as a result of a click through to my own blog.
I believe you contacted me a few months ago. I really love the Madison, and spent many Saturday afternoons there in the 1950s and 1960s. On the Roosevelt High School alumni web site a few years back we even had a brainstorm session on movies we remembered seeing there. My list included “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, “Thunder Road”, “Bad Day at Black Rock”, “Dr. No”, “The Tingler”, “It, the Terror From Beyond Space”, “Angry Red Planet”, “Viva Las Vegas”, “Girl Crazy”, and about fifty more movies. And those are only the ones I can remember.