Theater for rent / lease / sale
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February 13, 2006 at 9:13 am
I am interested in theaters for rent, lease (with option), or possibly for sale.
Will be doing this on a tight budget so property must be currently equipped to show films or quickly able to be brought back to doing so. Older theaters are fine as long as condition is at least fair. Prefer little to no competition and a stage that would allow for some live performances as well.
Would appreciate COMPLETE INFORMATION on any available properties. Email is: .
Thanks and God Bless, Jimmie
Comments (3)
Hello Jimmie,
I have a wonderfully restored theatre in scenic rural North West New Jersey. Great patron base. Call for more details. Great opportunity. Historic theatr. Originally silent movie house.
415 377 9052 (cell)
Hi Jimmy, I have a first run twin cinema the building is only 10 yrs. old, Located in south central Illinois in Benld, Il. with 20,000 people in 6 mile radius. The building is a dutch gambriel style barn, has two screens – 200 seats per screen, full concession and a 1,100 sq. ft. apt. upstairs. We are currently showing “ Pirates of Caribbean ” and “ Monster House”. The first week of Pirates w/Superman grossed $4,300. This is with only opperating 22 hrs. per week. Owner wants just one job and thats with Boeing ( says he tired of working long hours). Contact Dan Sperry 217-725-2467
Hi Jimmie,
I sent you an e-mail yesterday with all the specifics, but I’m posting here to make sure you see it. I am a preservationist who is seeking parties of interest who will save the day for an endangered early 20th century theater of great historic merit in Queens, NY by Thomas Lamb. The theater is available for lease and possibly for purchase. Please e-mail me at your earliest convenience. I can be reached at for more information. Thanks!