Fine Arts hosts “CYXORK 7” theatrical premiere

posted by JohnHuff on April 21, 2006 at 5:21 am

BEVERLY HILLS, CA – The grandly reopened Fine Arts Theatre will host the SAG theatrical premiere of “CYXORK 7” (starring RAY WISE) Saturday, May 20th at 8 PM. Scheduled to appear: RAY WISE, SONYA SMITH, BEATA POZNIAK, JOSEPH CULP, CASSANDRA CREECH, PAGET BREWSTER and GREG PROOPS.

The dark twisted satire follows a hungry movie crew making yet one more sequel in a burned out sci-fi franchise. How hungry are they? They’re hoping for a predicted cataclysmic earthquake that they can use for free special effects. Directed by John Huff, Cyxork’s original screenplay was co-written by Huff and producer, Andreas Kossak.

This is a special showing for us,“ Kossak explained. Screen Actors Guild rules require a theatrical ticket performance before sales begin. "We wanted the technology that went into Cyxork to show to full effect in projection and sound. Then our line producer, Warren Smith, recommended Michael S. Hall and the Fine Arts Theatre.”

A side note: The Fine Arts Theatre has been brought back to life under the scrupulous eye of Michael S. Hall, third generation projection master and restorer extraordinaire. See LA TIMES article.

“We chose the Fine Arts,” Kossak said, “because Michael’s team offers state of the art, full resolution 2K HD projection from our D-5 master tape.”

“I can’t wait to see this HD image at the Fine Arts,” says Huff. “We’ve seen it in the lab at Westwind Studios in Burbank and at the Sony/Nordmedia industrial forum in Hanover, Germany but that’s all. Huff admits a bias for the "look” of the HD big picture. For him it’s Director of Photography Michael Negrin’s work that must be seen to be believed. “Michael gave us a supple, all-day beauty in the high desert that is stunning. All on a shoot-and-run budget. It deserves to be seen in its technically pristine state. And it deserves to be heard in its primary audio format: Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound. The Fine Arts provides everything.”

“Cyxork 7” has been roaming the festival circuit over the past six months and hasn’t come home empty handed. It won the FAIF Festival in Hollywood, then scored a spontaneous audience award for best comedy and special effects at the Nolita Film Festival in New York and at this winter’s B-Movie Festival in Syracuse, Ray Wise was honored with the Best Actor Award for his work in “Cyxork 7.”

Sci-Fi Online Magazine Editor, Darren Rea, called Cyxork:
“Part comedy, part social commentary and part two fingers up to the Hollywood machine.”

—on Ray Wise in “Cyxork 7” he wrote:
“I can’t think of anyone else who would have brought this particular role to life with the same spark. It’s great to see Ray Wise play a typecast and naive actor, especially when his own career is anything but.”

Film Threat reviewer Steve Anderson:
“We’ve got everything here…vaguely Mafioso producers, idealistic young directors, cinematographers with a Prussian efficiency and ambition to match, film school snobs who think they know a whole lot more than they actually do, everything. "Cyxork 7” is the quintessential cross-section of the entire film industry, packaged to look like a bad science fiction movie."

“And yet it all comes together into this cohesive, decisive whole that even has just a bit of a dark side to it. It’s a laugh a minute, and it also manages to produce a shudder or two.”

“The ending is a real thrill, as the body count (yes, there is a BODY COUNT!) starts climbing and the landscape starts … well … let’s just say, starts rolling.”

Tickets are $7.50 and the box-office receipts for the evening are designated as a fundraiser for FAIF, the Foundation for the Advancement of Independent Film. FAIF directors will be present.

The Fine Arts Theatre is located at 8556 Wilshire, one block west of La Cienega. Theatre validated parking available at the Flynt Building on SE corner of La Cienega & Wilshire.

“Cyxork 7” official website:

Cast Photo 300dpi

also, see high resolution Photo Gallery:

also, see entire press kit:

Fine Arts Theatre, Cinema Treasures article:

Sci-Fi Online review:

Film Threat review:

John Huff
“Cyxork 7”

760 228 9600

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