Is the Three Penny Next?
CHICAGO, IL — Recently, a “FOR RENT” sign went up on the Village Art Theatre.
Now it appears that another Near North Side (Of Chicago) theatre may soon close. I was in the 3 Penny Cinema tonight. I went to see NEIL YOUNG HEART OF GOLD. After the show, I was talking to the owner. He said he will probably have to close down the theatre soon. He is having trouble meeting the outrageously high City of Chicago amusement taxes.
This is one of the few independently owned cinemas remaining in the City of Chicago. It features a great selection of movies, low prices, reasonable concessions, and even beer and wine! I urge every Cinema Treasures reader and contributor in the Chicagoland Area to get off his/her sofa and patronize this neat little theatre at least once before it closes!
Comments (2)
They also have a “Now Accepting Applications” sign in the window, so I can’t imagine the threat is really imminent.
I should also add that this, along with the Vic are the two oldest operating cinemas in the city, although both did spend good amounts in non-theatrical use. It is also the oldest and perhaps only former nickelodeon to remain in use.