PA Theater Summit

posted by raubre on May 15, 2006 at 8:33 am

I found this interesting event on the Pennsylvania Downtown Center website…

Theater Summit

PDC is spearheading the creation of a network of independent theaters (Pennsylvania Association of Independent and Neighborhood Theatres) for the purpose of creating a more level playing field. PDC recognizes the challenges faced by smaller, independent film and live theaters and with the creation of this network, we hope to create leverage that places PA’s independent theaters in the league of larger, corporation owned theaters, as well as provide a support system among theater owners.

PDC will be hosting a summit to bring people together to discuss some of these issues and to provide a forum of networking. This will be held May 15 and 16, at the Comfort Suites in Carlisle. Items on the agenda include who we are and what the theatre network hopes to accomplish, managers' presentations (theatre owners' introductions of themselves and their theatres), educational sessions on feasibility studies, and funding, a facilitated discussion about cooperative marketing, vendors, and productions, and a presentation of the fall theatre promotion.

We have reserved a block of rooms at the Comfort Suites. Meals will be on your own, but we will plan a group dinner at a local restaurant for Monday night for those who wish to attend. We expect cost to be about $20 per person. We intend on finishing the Summit around noon on Tuesday.

Registration Form

Please have this returned to us by May 1, 2006. We will allow later registrations, but printed materials may not be available to those who register after this date, or at the door.

For more information about this, please contact Kristen Janowski at

This may be a little late, but it looks like it is good theater news in Pennsylvania.

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