Texas Theatre sold to Cinema Treasures user
SAN ANGELO, TX — The Texas theatre has been sold to a Cinema Treasures member for renovation.
The 1200+ theatre has been in mothballs for the last 10 years waiting for a qualified buyer. I just purchased it Friday and plan on starting the renovation process ASAP. The project should take about 2 years to complete.
I’m the only owner and plan on opening it back up for movies and live theatre. I’m going to stay away from grants and non-profit status to keep control over the theatre. I would love to hear any stories you may have about this theatre. Also, any advice you may want to give for this renovation is welcome.
Like most everyone on this site. I dreamed of owning my own theatre. I discovered this theatre on Cinema Treasures adout 6 months ago and after taking a tour I fell in love with it. The ceiling with the twinkling stars is in fantastic shape and the spanish theatre design is in excellent shape. However, the lobby had been updated in 1959 by United Artists and is full of ugly blue paneling.
I would love to see any old pics of this theatre, if you have any.
Comments (16)
On behalf of Cinema Treasures, congratulations, calc!
This is very awesome news. As far as I know, you’re the first member of the site who’s purchased a theater for restoration.
Very cool… Please keep us updated on your progress!
Congratulations – and please post pictures of the renovations!
What are the demographics of the surrounding area? Are you planning on showing first/second run movies or more of a ‘revival’ type program? GOOD LUCK!
EXCELLENT! Definitely a dream come true. I have had many a daydream about buying and renovating theatres. If possible please post pictures of the interior as it is now and then after renovations. :) Good Luck and congratulations!
If you want to see a few pictures of the Texas go to… www.cinematour.com . Great looking theater calc!!! Would like to see some interior pictures of the lobby and how Untied Artist screwed it up. Would you please post some. GOOD LUCK CALC!!!!!
Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck. I’m in the field of entertainment venue management; if you ever have a question, feel free to email me.
I am curious, however, why you are shunning grants and non-profit status. What limitations to your control are you trying to avoid? Having been in the non-profit arts field for years, I am not aware of any such limitations that might hinder you as long as you have a clear mission for your theatre and a supportive board. If you have not already done so, you might want to check out the Center for Non-Profit Management, which is an organization that educates people in how to run a non-profit (classes, seminars, publications, etc.)
I visited the webpage for the theatre linked on the cinematreaures site. This is truly a beautiful theatre – you’re a lucky person!
I look forward to hearing more about your project on the site. This is truly wonderful news.
Hey, that is pretty slick!! Nice building. Seems to be in decent shape. Not a massive hall of 4300 seats, but a pretty managable 1400. These places can be reborn (not an easy road, however).
I remember seeing movies in places like this when I was a kid. How cool is it to crack up laughing with 2000 people all at the same time? Even a dumb movie like “Weekend at Bernie’s” was fun. Everything goes in cycles. I think it’s possible that someday people will get sick of their home theatres and desire a community experience again.
But who cares about my philosophy?!?! Congratulations!
Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish I had the cash to reopen and renvate a theater.
Why is the facade so massive? What lies behind it? A very interesting structure. Have fun with it. I agree that non profit is NOT a bad idea. But, of course, I don’t even know where in TX San Angelo is! Best of luck!
I’ve never been inside your theatre, of course, but the pictures of the outside look just beautiful. Good Luck with the project.
You said you were interested in some advice, so here goes;
I’m a semi-professional actor who became involved periphally with the restoration of an 80 year old theatre a few years ago. When they thought they were done, it was gorgeous. It was to be used as an even split house between live shows and a variety of movies. The only real problem was that although it had been originally designed for both purposes, the restoration focused on movies (which was great) but they only did bare-bones work on the actor’s dressing rooms and Green Room. Now, touring show members and local amatuer groups are, by their very nature, not that picky. But after a year or so, groups were refusing to book the place because of the conditions of the facilities backstage. I won’t describe them, but they were abysmal. New, but abysmal. The theatre revenue was very low until they called on a few people to make some suggestions (that is the little I helped) After some afterthought changes, word got around and now it is doing the business it should have done 3 years ago.
What I’m saying is, make sure you accommodate the live performers with some basic tools to do their job,too and your revenues should stay even when you get rolling.
Again, best of luck and break a leg!
Wonderful..Thanks for saving this Texas theatre.
My name is Dawn with KKUSTOMINT
We do refurb seating!!
When you get ready to do your seating feel free to give me a call 770-652-7400 or email kkustomint@yahoo.com OR marth.phillips@yahoo.com
If your seats are not in the best of shape or are not what you want
sometimes i can get a hold of bulk seating for dirt cheap.
Congratulations and best wishes on this fantastic development. As a control-freak myself, I understand the concern about your plan and dreams; But please don’t let that fear hinder you unnecesarily, as things progress. It is wonderful to have a great, old, restored theater – but even better, if it is used and appreciated by many for the future; And that means that you have to consciously involve people [even volunteers, local organizations, whatever], at any chance you can. A little frustration here and there, can pay off
with a better restoration and bigger and functioning community asset down the road.
If you ever plan to get to NYC let me know.
Congratulations Calc and Thank You for taking your dream to help restore this theater to reality. Ive lived here in San Angelo for close to 17 years now. I practically grew up here. I’ve been driving downtown for those 17 years and Ive seen nothing chance except for the fact that the Cactus Hotel losing its lettering and the Texas Theater fade away. But then one day I drove by and saw something that made me jump. The old marquee in front had its first lettering on there that Ive ever seen “Renovation in Progress” I was just simply amazed and happy. Ive heard only stories of this theater. Ive never seen the inside of the theater itself but Ive heard that its just beautiful inside (once you get past all that age has done to it) I heard that there are stars on a blue ceiling up there that shine when the lights turn off. Ive also heard that the interior is of a persian setting on the inside. I would love to see this theater on opening night. Do you have any updates on your current work there? Once again, THANK YOU for starting the revitilization of our history here!
Good luck and keep us posted.
Just went by this weekend— still not open. I really hope you haven’t lost hope, whoever you are. I found this page through Google. San Angelo is my hometown. I’m among many who’d lend a hand and maybe even give a little money to see your dream come true.
What happened?