Service technician needed

posted by LarryV on August 21, 2006 at 4:14 am

Hi everyone. I am the owner of the downtown West Bend Cinema in West Bend, Wisconsin. I am looking for a very knowledgeable service technician that is in our area.

We are having problems where we burn out xenon bulbs in 700 hours or less when they are warrantied for at least 2000. We need help figuring out this expensive problem. Any suggestions on service techs? Thanks, Larry V,

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Comments (3)

georgepomone on August 21, 2006 at 5:09 am

Hi Larry,
I’m in UK so not a lot of use to you. But it sounds like you have Diodes gone down on your Tranformers, your first call is to the people who supply your lamps as they usually supply diodes as well.They also should know of someone that can fit them for you.They will also check the voltage for you.
Regards, George. UK

JimRankin on August 21, 2006 at 7:30 am

Contact Paul Dorobialsky, a former tech who did it all, via his web site: or he can be reached via the Milw. Public Museum’s maintenance department.

LarryV on August 29, 2006 at 5:37 pm

We just had a service tech out to look at our equipment. He determined that a rectifier we had installed about a year ago was oversized for our 1600w lamphouse. The rectifier has a minimum output of 80amps and the 1600w bulb should not receive more than 65 amps. The service tech is looking for a Super LumeX lamphouse which can handle a 2000w bulb. Anyone have a good used or reconditioned lamphouse? Let me know ASAP. Thanks, Larry Veldre-Owner, West Bend Cinema or (920)242-8333

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