500 American Seating c. 1940 seats FREE in Cleveland

posted by mwiederhold on September 25, 2006 at 12:50 pm


Detroit Shoreway Community Development in Cleveland, Ohio is renovating the historic Capitol Theatre and our clean-up is under way. We are replacing all the main floor seating, and need to remove the old seats as soon as possible. First come, first served to the 500 seats, taker must remove and transport. We’re on a SHORT time frame, so please contact via email at .

The seats are maroon fabric/pleather, and the metal body is painted maroon as well. They have a slight Art-Deco design/feeling to them. Please see the pictures here, or I can email them as well.

Comments (2)

ctchallen on October 9, 2006 at 8:35 pm

I just saw your posting on the internet about the free theatre seats. I was wondering if the window is still open to get about 20 of them for a media center we are building for our youth group at church.

Chris Challen

mudskipper on October 29, 2006 at 3:29 pm

I just came across your posting and was wondering if it was still possible to get some chairs. The theatre I work for needs about 10-12 for an upcoming production. Thanks.

Jess Harper

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