Looking for vintage seat end piece

posted by jsomethin on January 11, 2007 at 7:00 am

Hello. I’m not sure if you can help me or not, but I figured I might try here.

I just bought 6 vintage seats that I would like to restore for my home theater. Unfortunately it only came with 3 end pieces, and I’d like to get a 4th. The only markings I can find are LEV a model number 12-119 and either a L or R indicating I believe which side it is for.

They are red with a wood arm rest and have lights in them.

I’ve put pictures up:

End Piece Pic #1
End Piece Pic #2
End Piece Pic #3

Please contact me via email at .


Comments (1)

KenLayton on January 11, 2007 at 7:44 am

Those are the end ‘standards’ for American (American Seating Co.) model “Bodiform” seats. These were very popular in the late 1940’s to early 1950’s.

BTW, the “LEV” means the seat was designed to be installed on a level (flat) floor such as the stepped floor of a balcony. If the seat were made for a sloped for instead of a “LEV” there’d be a number which indicates the degree of floor slope.

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