Time to book a trip to Bangkok!

posted by Michael Zoldessy on January 15, 2007 at 6:55 am

I have just returned from Bangkok – with of course cinema visits at every opportunity —I could not find any ‘older cinemas’ but there are countless brand new multi-screens.

I came upon three special screens in the Paragon Multiplex – this cinema on the sixth/seventh floor of a massive shopping complex has 14 ordinary screens, an IMAX and these three specials [sponsored by Nokia]. The normal ticket price was 140/150 bhat [ £2/2.10p – so low??] but these screens charged 500 bhat [£6.50] – the chairs give back and leg massage and are supplied with blankets and pillows!! – see the photos – I am supprised the UK/US chains don’t copy!??


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