Historic Granada Theater to go on sale

posted by BillCwynar on February 16, 2007 at 4:55 am

BEAVER FALLS, PA — The Granada Theater might be for sale again at a fraction of the selling price of $90,000. Current owners have done some work to the marquee and have fixed most of the major leaks in the building. This is a rare atmospheric theater that was built in 1930.

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Comments (3)

svogar on February 18, 2007 at 6:33 am

Please contact me, I am VERY interested. My e-mail is:

I have a decent background in theatre restoration and reuse. My phone number is (916)470-8864. This is the direct line to me at my business, if you reach my answering machine, please leave a messege with your number and the best time to reach you. If you have them, I would appreciate an e-mail of both interior and exterior pictures of the Granada, don’t worry about making her look pretty in the photos as I have spent most of my life in older theatres in various states of repair…I CAN see past the need of paint and plaster!!
Thank you again.
Joe Svogar

jukingeo on February 19, 2007 at 1:31 pm

Hello Joe,

Got $3-5 mil laying around? I sure hope so, because that is pretty much what it will take to restore this gem and open it up for business.

I would also do a bit of homework on the area as well. Ever heard of the “Rust Belt”?

Do I sound like the voice of experience? Perhaps. The Beaver Falls Granada was one of the first theatres I looked into for purchasing. I have loads of photos of the interior of the building. It is going to need ALOT of work. BUT, if you have a deep pocket and don’t mind a slow return on your investment, then I do say that this building has dramatic potential. It is a DeAngelis building, but it is an atmospheric and it is VERY much in the same flavor as John Eberson’s creations. I will say that the facade and proscenium are still intact. But the roof, balcony, and the orchestra section are in need of major restoration. The biggest problems are the concrete slab roof which needs to be replaced and also the orchestra seating area has been converted to a mini-mall. The ground has been leveled with concrete and it would take much to restore this area back to it’s original state.

Did I scare you away, yet? Well, there is MORE! The building next to the theatre has a restaurant in it and offices/apartments on the upper floors. Buying both buildings and restoring them could be a huge boost to the town’s economy in the downtown area.

I believe it can be done. It is not hopeless. BUT as I said in my opening line…Got $3-5mil laying around?


rivieraservices on May 23, 2007 at 5:20 am

Im interested in buying this theatre, I know its condition, could you please contact me at:

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