Theatre Designer Joe Musil Presents
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February 27, 2007 at 4:37 am
Legendary theatre designer Joseph Musil, will present “Silver Screen, Seashells, and Stage Shows” highlighting some of the most historically and architecturally significant theatres of the early 20th century in the Long Beach, CA area.
His presentation will be part of the annual dinner meeting of the Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society held on Tuesday March 20th at the Ebell Clubhouse in Santa Ana. Tickets are $35 per person.
Additional information is at the Santa Ana History Website. Joe created and runs the American Museum of Theatrical Design and the Salon of the Theatres located at the Santora Building in Santa Ana, CA.
Comments (6)
Now hearing Joe Musil speak..that would a cool program to attend.
I live just a little too far away from Santa Ana to prudently zoom down there to see this presentation. I recommend all Cinematreasures members who CAN get there to do so. I have met Joe three times, visited his Salon of the Theatres twice, and attended three theatres he’s restored or embellished which are part of the public landscape. As an artist and designer myself, I can say that Joe’s talents in these areas as well as his deep love for things of the theatrical sort is absolutely top-notch and beautiful. The inclusion of the word “seashells” in the title of his presentation particularly intrigues me. Sounds like he’ll be including plenty about the Skouras style theatres in the Long Beach area, three of which I attended as a child, and live on vividly in my memory, though either demolished or heavily altered in reality. See his presentation—I urge you!
Joseph Musil is my friend and next door neighbor and I’m terribly proud to be a small part of his magnificent museum. Of my more than half-century involvment in cinemas and theaters in England and the United states, I have never known anyone who equals the dedication, tallent and cunsummate attention to detail as Joe does with regard to his research, design, construction and display of model theaters.
Joe’s life-long love afair of the theater is equal to the famed designers of yester-year and JOSEPH MUSIL DESERVES A STAR ON HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD.
If you have not had the honor of buying a ticket (that’s how theaters stay open folks!!!) at the CREST, Westwood Village; ALEX, Glendale; FINE ARTS, Beverly Hills; EL CAPITAN, Hollywood (his #1 masterpiece!)plus many more theaters… then your'e missing the creme de creme.
Take a peep at or at his 501-C-3 NON-PROFIT studio website (under re-construction) or phone him at 714-667-6959 for a personal tour… it’s a whopping $3 that helps him pay the rent!
His 40-seater STRAND THEATRE stage has 10 (yes ten!) sets of fabulous curtains to drule over during the much requested “Symphonic Cavalcade of Curtains” show -all timed to theater pipe organ music and multiple lighting changes!
The four busses of visitors at the 2005 THS Conclave visit to southern California were stunned in awe -many with tears of joy at his long awaited presentation!
Simon I have a brocure from Dusty Dillions “Whatever works” in the brchure it shows pictures of a lot of Joe’s work. The one I enjoy the most is the lobby/concession area of the Crest in Westwood. He is extremely talented. Every theater chain should be beating a path to his door to have him work for them. They wouldn’t regret it.
John – Thank you for the into-to-know… I’d be obliged if you are able to scan and e-mail it to me.
You’re so right about Joe… What a man!!!
Many thanks
Simon, I think I can do you one better. I will check with my local printer and see if I can have the brochure reproduced. Then I will send it to you via snail mail so you can have a complete copy. I will email you and let you know how I make out.