Mission 4 Drive-In closed

posted by Superdude37 on March 22, 2007 at 4:35 am

SAN ANTONIO, TX — A sad day has arrived in San Antonio. Santinkos Theatres announced today that the Mission Drive-In will not open for the ‘07 season and that things are up in the air in regards to the future of the theatre due to some events this past winter.

Back in January while the theatre was closed for the winter, some vandals broke into the concession stand and destroyed all of the equipment including all four projectors and its fm sound system with damages over $500,000.

Santikos has pulled the Mission from its website and they did say that they would re-evaluate its value this winter or in the spring of ‘08. But from what I can see, the only thing that will be on at the Mission next spring are bulldozers cause Santikos Theatres did say that the property was not really making money.

It truly is a sad day as the Mission was the last remaining drive-in in the San Antonio area.

For more info on this story, go to the WOAI Webpage.

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Comments (6)

Superdude37 on March 23, 2007 at 6:58 pm

Now the Latest is that santikos theares has an electican evaulating how much it would cost to rewire the concession stand and based on that cost the theatre could reopen by this summer(07. But if its to expensive the the mission is done for.

MaryLand on March 24, 2007 at 8:09 am

The vandalism has robbed all citizens of San Antonio from being able to expierence a truly wonderful, and increasingly rare, Cinema expierence. I can only wonder if the vandals comprehended the cultural loss, and scale of their act.

Reach out and ask for assistance if you want the Drive-In to re-open… there are those willing to help.

Superdude37 on August 21, 2007 at 11:46 am

mission drive is reopening this friday ausgust 24th until the end of november but will only be running two screens and the conncession stand will only be serving limited items cause the not all of the damage has been repaired. Santinkos did say that they did not know if it would reopen next spring

jorgemerigo on April 26, 2008 at 6:03 pm

I hope you do all it takes to keep it open.

I wonder, taking into account that it such a unique experience (at this point in time), if prices were raised significantly, wouldn´t it be profitable? I mean, it´s the only one in the San Antonio area and weather in San Antonio es frequently very agreeable.

Have you researched this option? Again, there is really no direct competition.

jorgemerigo on April 26, 2008 at 6:03 pm

I hope you do all it takes to keep it open.

I wonder, taking into account that it such a unique experience (at this point in time), if prices were raised significantly, wouldn´t it be profitable? I mean, it´s the only one in the San Antonio area and weather in San Antonio es frequently very agreeable.

Have you researched this option? Again, there is really no direct competition.

jorgemerigo on April 26, 2008 at 6:05 pm

Also, wouldn´t it be marketable as a tourist attraction? That is, being San Antonio so turist oriented.

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