Theater restoration questions

posted by sue1223 on March 27, 2007 at 6:31 am

We are in the process of purchasing a theatre involved in a tax forclosure. While feel sorry for the original owner, we are excited at the same time about making this beautiful theatre into a destination place of music, comedy, poetry slams, educational performances for local schools, and more music!

While we are excited about the possibilities we are worried about 1)Finding the right contractors with enough experience in historical buildings and 2)Adding a marquee for advertising events whithout interferring with the original look of the building.

The current owner has an active website that everyone should look at. It’s a beautiful building. Any ideas?

Write me an email at . Thanks!!!

Comments (1)

jon6444 on March 28, 2007 at 4:37 am

I would suggest becoming a members of The League of Historic American This is an organization of various theatre owners, managers and people in the business of operating historic theatres. They have a wealth of info for your project.

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