Movies may return to State Theater

posted by Michael Zoldessy on April 24, 2007 at 4:35 am

SIOUX FALLS, SD — Locals are banding together to save the historic State Theatre. They’re currently looking to raise funds and gather ideas for it to be profitable in the future and restore it to all its gloary.

A new nonprofit group hopes to raise $3 million to $5 million to restore the inside of the historic State Theater in downtown Sioux Falls and turn it into a first-run and classic movie house.

A few productions on its full stage aren’t out of the question, either, says Stacy Newcomb-Weiland, spokeswoman of the group that has its proposal almost ready to turn in to Main Street Sioux Falls. The agency is calling for ideas by May 1.

For more, read the Argus Leader.

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