Largest active theater
posted by
Michael Zoldessy
June 25, 2007 at 7:50 am
I have a question that may cause some debate.
The Fox Theater in Atlanta is the 3rd largest remaining theater in the USA. It is behind Radio City Music Hall and the Fox Detroit. I may be wrong, but RCMH and Fox Detroit do not appear to regularly schedule Motion Pictures as part of their calender of events. However, the Fox Atlanta shows motion pictures all summer long in addition to yearly screenings of Gone With the Wind.
That being said, does this give the Fox Atlanta the title of the largest active Movie theater in the US or perhaps the world?
Comments (9)
I guess it would be based on if you think running in the summer is a active movie theater ….i would think not …I bet the largest active one screen theater is in somewhere like Kansas…..
ok i think i h/theaters/7852/ave it… FIRST RUN AND ONLY 1 SCREEN
I would think it would be the El Capitan. Certainly multi use venues such as Atlanta’s Fox aren’t really full time cinemas.
el capitan 1550 seats..
1661 seats at this theater almost always plays movies year round with an a special event now and then …..seems only to play oldies..
As a recent former usher at Hollywood’s El Capitan, the FIXED seating count is presently at 998. There is room for 12 + MOVABLE seats in the rear handicapped booths.
The awesome balcony has far more seating than the orchestra level and I’m informed by Joseph Musil (who directed the El Caps massive 1990’s restoration) that many seats were removed to accommodate the organ console installation, plus the rear handicap seating, restrooms and new projection booth.
As for “biggest movie theaters”, I think that New York City’s “Cathedral of Motion Pictures” was the (long gone) Roxy Theatre at 6,000 plus.
Both the Detroit Fox and the St. Louis Fox also run summer films, and they’re both larger than the Atlanta Fox (virtually the same size and design).