Rare interior tour of long-dormant Orpheum
posted by
Gerald A. DeLuca
August 28, 2007 at 3:40 pm
NEW BEDFORD, MA — On October 7, 2007 the Orpheum Theatre (French Sharpshooters Hall) will be open from 2-5 PM for a “rope light tour” of the beautiful and rarely-seen interior. Two fascinating eye-popping slide shows with over 100 photos can be seen on this web page.
Comments (3)
A spokesperson needs to go on ALL of the radio and TV chat shows, especially the PBS stations; they have a different breed of viewers who enjoy helping the arts with donations.
Also suggested is that guests bring along their cameras and flashlight. Perhaps a local company will setup some floodlights by donation in exchange for publicity?!
What an incredible time capsule this appears to be. It seems even to have the original seating. You could almost—almost—dust it off and use it.
Don’t fail to go to the website and click through the shots.
New Bedfordians have already saved the splendid Zeiterion (State) Theatre of the whaling city, and it is now a thriving performing arts center. Lovely as the Zeiterion is, it pales in comparison with the wondrous Orpheum, slumbering in a forgotten dream, like a dusty shadow, eager to be given new life, real life.