Historic Theatre Workshop: Curtains Up!
On November 8th-10th, 2007 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Midwest Office of the National Trust for Historic Preservation is sponsoring a two and a half day workshop on the restoration and sustainable use of historic theatres. Underwritten by the Jeffris Family Foundation of Janesville Wisconsin, a constant supporter of so many preservation activities in that state, the workshop is primarily intended for historic theatre owners and stewards, architects, historic preservation professionals, and those considering embarking on a theatre project.
Registration forms and scholarship applications are available from the Wisconsin Historical Society’s website.
In Wisconsin and throughout the US, many historic theatres have suffered from deferred maintenance, high-operating costs, and building code issues, and have struggled to survive in recent years. Many communities are interested in preserving these cornerstones of their cities but are overwhelmed by the complexity of the task and the magnitude of the project. Restoration efforts become complicated when dealing with elaborate interior spaces and important questions, such as bringing a theatre building up to code and project funding, need to be answered. This workshop will help those currently engaged in preservation efforts and those considering embarking on a theatre project to gain a better understanding of the technical issues associated with theatre restoration and to learn from successful examples.
We hope to see you this November!
Midwest Office |
National Trust for Historic Preservation | 53 W. Jackson Boulevard, Suite 350, Chicago, Illinois 60604
Phone: 312.939.5547, Ext. 37221 | Fax: 312.939.5651| Email: mwro@nthp.org |
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