Volunteer ushers needed at Loew’s Jersey

posted by Michael Zoldessy on September 28, 2007 at 10:55 am

JERSEY CITY, NJ — The fall brings a new season to the Loew’s Jersey — and that means there are more chances coming for you to find out what it’s like to “work a show” by joining our team of volunteer ushers.

We need ushers to help out this Saturday, September 29th for a Filipino music concert.

It’s vital to the Loew’s to have a cadre of volunteers to take tickets, help guide patrons to their seats, and assist behind the concession counter. And, as people who’ve worked with us before can attest, for volunteers, its fun and exciting to be a vital part of “showtime,” and it’s rewarding to know that they are making another successful show at the landmark Loew’s possible.

And of course, after the audience is in and seated, ushers get to enjoy the show for free. All ushers will be on call during the show just in case the House Manager needs help during the show. And during intermissions, volunteer ushers will be asked to return to their posts until the show starts again.

As a volunteer usher, you are invited to bring a guest to help usher -and then enjoy the show with you at no cost! And as an extra “thank you,” we provide our volunteer ushers with coupons for complimentary treats from our refreshment counter.

We don’t have formal uniforms for our ushers, but we do ask that you wear black or at least dark pants or skirt and a dress shirt in either white, black, red or burgundy.

This Saturday, the doors open at 6:00pm so we are asking our volunteer ushers to arrive around 5:15pm. When you get to the Theatre, give the ticket sellers or takers you name so they will know
to let you in.

It is important for our planning that you let us know by Noon on Saturday, September 29 if you’ll be able to work with us that evening.

Please call (201) 798-6055 or email to loewsjersey@gmail.com about this Saturday, or for more information about ushering at the Loew’s.

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