Logan Art Cinema to stay open

posted by danpetitpas on October 3, 2008 at 10:45 am

LOGAN, UH — The Logan Art Cinema was about to close at the end of the month but its owners, the Salt Lake City-based Westates Theaters, said Thursday that they will keep it open at least through March.

The theater is rundown, but it’s the only place in Utah’s Cache Valley showing independent and art films.

Westates says it will try some different programming to draw audiences. Over the summer, for instance, one of the pictures it showed was “Hellboy 2”.

The Salt Lake Tribune used the Logan Art Cinema news as an example of what was happening with small theaters around the country and noted that many were going the non-profit route where they can combine admission revenue with donations and grants, the same way symphonies and live theaters do.

You can read the article in The Salt Lake Tribune.

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Comments (1)

Marcel on October 3, 2008 at 9:06 pm

Good to hear- hope you find some financial assistance to remain open.

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