Take A Minute To Help Save The Boyd Theatre

posted by Ross Melnick on May 28, 2008 at 11:36 am

PHILADELPHIA, PA — The following was sent in by Friends of the Boyd:

Bids to buy Philadelphia’s historic Boyd Theatre are due Wednesday May 28, 2008. Some bids will be to preserve the theater, but some bids will be for the purpose of destroying downtown Philadelphia’s last movie palace! Once bids are in, Live Nation could quickly choose a new owner so we need YOUR HELP.

In listing the Boyd Theatre on its national endangered list, the National Trust for Historic Preservation has provided easy steps for the public to advocate the survival of the Art Deco movie palace. Friends of the Boyd are asking every one of your members and supporters to please immediately visit “What you can do” and SEND THE EMAILS encouraging Live Nation to select an offer that will preserve the Boyd and reopen it as a public venue, and also write Mayor Nutter and Governor Rendell.

And, please circulate this request to your own email lists!

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Comments (2)

HowardBHaas on May 28, 2008 at 6:07 pm

Thanks Ross for all your support! Friends of the Boyd hope all fans of historic movie palaces will take those advocacy steps in the link above.

Howard B. Haas
(volunteer) President, Friends of the Boyd, Inc.

monika on May 28, 2008 at 6:29 pm

I signed the petition and forwarded it onto others. Here’s hoping for a good ending.

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