Hempstead Theater update
HEMPSTEAD, TX — The Hempstead Theater located at 740 12th Street is alive and well. The picture posted by “Lost Memories” is actually an old theater, long torn down, that was located at Austin Street and Hwy 6 in Hempstead.
The old theater was owned by Jessie Powell who rented the building to Jimmy and Dorris Needham, who operated the theater until 1979 when they built the present theater at 740 12th Street. Jessie Powell was the son-in-law of Rigby Owens who owned a chain of theaters in East Texas and Louisiana. The Needhams operated the 12th Street theater until 2008 when my wife and I Tina and David Fehrenbach purchased it on April 30th, 2008 and opened as new owners on May 1st with “Iron Man”. The theater is a one screen and has a capacity of 210. Hempstead has had an operating theater since the 1930’s I believe.
Comments (1)
That is great news. Bring the Texas theaters back. I am from Houston and may have to take a dive out to see it.