Monticello Broadway recollections
MONTICELLO, NY — The Broadway Theatre, which is still located in Monticello, NY but closed for 20 years meant the world to me growing up. It had been an ok theater but with a change of ownership morphed into this great light of hope in the middle of town!!! The new owner renovated the entire building turning into an old fashioned theater with a hollywood canteen that doubled as the snack bar and an old fashioned ice cream parlor right next door.
The outside of the building was painted bright pink with a checkerboard sidewalk and a great sign with the theater’s name and a tribute to old Hollywood!! The town of course gave the theater nothing but trouble insisting that they move their sign off the sidewalk and somewhere onto the building. The town finally won and in the last season the theater was opened, they moved their sign on to the theater’s roof. They stayed open till the end of the summer and never opened again.
The theater remains, it’s pink paint faded, checkerboard sidewalk faded and with lights broken. The rumor is that the owner is still outraged with the town and will never sell it but instead just leave it empty. A few years back the gates were opened and it looked as if work was going on inside but then a for sale sign went up outside to a real estate agent that I can’t find anywhere on the internet. It still remains empty on a street that is pretty much empty also. Does anybody out there remember this theater? Does anybody have a picture?
Comments (1)
Seeing the theater this summer was as depressing as the town is.