Rebuilding a princess
posted by
Michael Zoldessy
August 20, 2008 at 7:45 am
MOUNT AYR, IA — With the grand reopening coming soon, the Creston News Advertiser looks back at the restoration process of the Princess Theater.
“The theater is such an economic boast to the square,” said Ricker. “We didn’t really have a place for cultural events. We want to increase the fine arts and cultural events in the county. We want youth to have good substance-free recreation. It hits so many positives.”
The renovation of the theater has sparked renovation of other aspects of the square said Devereux Taylor.
“Eventually, the sidewalk that goes in front of the theater, will go all the way around the square,” said Devereux Taylor. “We have street lights purchased for around the square. Those have also been donated.”