Movies back at the Paramount
ASHLAND, KY — After many years, the Paramount Arts Center welcomed back films Friday with a star-studded gala.
One of the Hollywood’s biggest stars is turning her attention from the silver screen to the Paramount Arts Center’s screen.
“Like me, so many people in the Tri-State first entered this great building to see a movie,” said Tyson Compton, marketing director of the PAC and chairman of the event. “And people are always asking when we will show movies again. Well, that day has arrived! And, we think it’s a pretty big deal, especially with Ashley Judd as our hostess for the evening. How incredible is that? It isn’t every day that you have the opportunity to attend a cocktail party on the Paramount stage with one of Hollywood’s leading ladies.”
The Paramount is rolling out the red carpet (literally) today at 8 p.m. for “Opening Night with Ashley Judd” and a screening of romantic comedy “It Happened One Night,” starring Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable — a nod to the era when the Paramount first opened.
Read more in the Herald Dispatch.