Wenatchee area theater and drive-in properties for sale
WENATCHEE, WA — Sun Basin Theaters is putting two of its current properties up for sale: the five-screen Columbia Cinemas in East Wenatchee and the Vue Dale Drive-In in South Wenatchee. The owner hopes to use the proceeds to finance a new multiplex and any purchaser will not be able to use the properties for motion picture exhibition.
The sales could help finance renovation of the old Kmart building in Olds Station into a theater and retail complex, said Sun Basin general manager Bryan Cook. The theater company acquired a purchase option on the Kmart property in June, said Cook, and continues in discussions with the property’s owner toward completing the purchase. The building and a portion of the surrounding acreage is owned by the state. “If all goes well, we should have traction in the deal by the end of November,” he said.
The Liberty Cinemas in downtown Wenatchee won’t be affected by the sale of the other two properties, Cook said. “Over the last few years, we’ve made a lot of improvements at the Liberty and definitely plan to keep it going.”
More detail in the Wenatchee World.
Comments (4)
What a greedy bastard. Won’t allow a person buying the drive-in to use it as a theater! BOO!
A pox upon their plex if it’s to be built from the blood money received from desecrating and dismembering a perfectly good drive-in.
That’s just great! Don’t they realize that when they assassinate a drive-in theater, they assassinate a Great American Pastime as Americana as baseball, hot dogs and apple pie? Whether they do or not, they obviously don’t care. (Sarcastically): Let’s hear it for politics!!
I wish some millionaires would approach the seller and tell him they’d buy it only if it REMAINS a functioning drive-in.