Owner promises renovation of Los Angeles and Palace theaters if…
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November 4, 2009 at 7:55 am
LOS ANGELES, CA — The current owner of the Los Angeles and Palace theaters has committed to renovate the Palace and Los Angeles theaters on Broadway if the city will build a new parking facility between 6th and 7th streets.
The project, which would require another $2 million in tenant relocation and $31 million in pre-development and construction costs, would result in several hundred new spaces for uses along Broadway.
While Broadway has a number of parking garages, a recent study showed that these structures are near 100% occupancy during the day. Many close at night, and several structures have recently made exclusive arrangements with residential properties.
Read more at blogdowntown.com.
Comments (6)
Whoever this owner is, he needs to clean out his crack pipe. There’s already plenty of parking downtown and why is it an issue during the day? By 5pm, these lots are empty. Certain lots and parking structures do close at night but way past the time any shows would end. I don’t understand his request at all.
The Pershing Square Garage is a block away, open I believe 24
hours a day. It was built in 1952 under Pershing Square holding
several hundred cars. Where is the need for another facility
since the business community empties out by sunset? The argument
used by Mr. Delijani (owner) is faulty. Sounds a bit peculiar
having a local B.I.D. acquire these other properties in order
for him to advance his plans on the Los Angeles & Palace Theatres.
“Several hundred new spaces”? I heard that it would be in the neighborhood of 300+ new spaces…
I’m no expert on downtown LA parking issues, but I took this news item as HOPE for a great revitalization of the Los Angeles and Palace theaters! What uses (in addition to current uses) are envisioned by the owner for the Los Angeles Theatre? I’ve seen 2 classic movies there, and it is one of the world’s greatest surviving movie palaces. The Palace is neat, too. Which others does he own?
Though there may be honest disagreement whether or not a new parking facility in the heart of the Broadway historic district is really needed – especially with a streetcar planned to be operational by 2014, there is no question that the Los Angeles' loading facilities are one of its greatest liabilities. The parking structure will resolve this problem and include space to supplement the theatre’s limited wing space. Because of its shallow stage and partial fly loft, the Los Angeles will likely never house a Broadway show, the Palace is much better suited for that use; however,it does have a bright future as a concert hall, live broadcast venue and for specialty film presentation. Funds for property aquisition and construction of the garage come from a dedicated parking-only pot. The Delijani family purchased the Los Angeles in 1987 with the understanding that a dedicated parking structure would be built to serve it. Now that the promise may be fulfilled, they are honoring their end of the bargain by restoring and renovating the theatres at considerable expense with their own money. The Pershing Square garage (an S.Charles Lee idea, by the way) has leased a large number of spaces to renovated condo/apartment buildings in the area, dramatically reducing the available parking after 5pm. If construction of this garage by the City is what it takes to break a 22 year stand-off, it’s a pretty good trade-off. Remember, city-owned parking made the Cinerama Dome/Arc-Light viable and Hollywood Highland parking has helped the El Cap, Chinese and Egyptian. Why not downtown, too?
To avoid the hassles of traffic and parking I’ve often taken the subway into the city from Hollywood to attend evening movies and shows at the Orpheum. The nearest subway ststion from the Orpheum is the Pershing Square station a good 4 block walk. No matter, when the show gets out I’m not alone in walking to the subway station as many who were at the show also use the subways. WIth the renovation of the Los Angeles and Palace it will be half the distance from the Pershing Square station.