Sacred Cinema - Feature Documentary
I am currently in pre-production on a feature documentary entitled “Sacred Cinema”.
The long and short of it is that I am trekking across the planet in search of the world’s most unique movie theaters. By in large in Canada (where I am from), from what I have experienced, many theaters have lost the plot when it comes to providing a meaningful cinema experience.
The documentary will touch on cinema etiquette and what theaters are doing to improve audience cooperation. I also want to take a look at the worlds kookiest home theaters and get an inside peek at why staying at home is a reasonable option for many people. I want to visit a wide array of cinemas. From a shanty village theater in India to a luxurious cinema palace in New York. Please if you have any suggestions for cinemas to feature I am open to suggestions as I am shortlisting as my research comes to an end in the next couple weeks. I am not looking for pure visual esthetics, though visually it helps if the cinema is a little offbeat or offers some real grandeur – I want to find theaters that have different, odd or atypical policies or amenities that help make the movie going experience memorable.
I will be launching a website in the coming weeks to create some buzz around this project. I will also be seeking some assistance during production in my shortlisted cinema’s towns and cities. At this point we are traveling through the US. We will plan on filming in England, Paris, India, and Australia.
On another note- thank you for this website as a resource. It has assisted me in my research greatly.
Keep up the good work.
Best Regards,
Mark G. Power
Please contact me should you have any suggestions or ideas at: