NuWilshire Theatre to hold several businesses now…
SANTA MONICA, CA — According to an article in Friday’s Santa Monica Daily Press, the famous NuWilshire Theatre, which has been closed since November 2007, is going to become home to several retail stores. The article even has images of the interior of the space and already things are starting to change.
Due to the poor economic crisis, the theatre has been untouched for more than a year, and now, things are starting to change. The front of the theatre is going to be somewhat the same, and the marquee is now going to host the name of the various companies inside. The owner, Max Netty of Soundview Investment Partners, voiced his opinion on how important the renovation of the theatre is, despite the fact that he prevented the front of the building to be restored by the Landmarks Commission. According to the Santa Monica Daily Press, “The owner did file an appeal to the landmarks designation, subsequently withdrawing the challenge, according to the commission’s meeting minutes from July 2008.” (SMDP, Issue 116).
As of now, the theatre is undergoing an interior renovation in addition to exterior. Updates regarding the threat will be on here.
Comments (2)
It’s bitterly amusing that the last sentence reads “Updates regarding the threat will be on here.” Obviously, the intended word is “theatre,” but greedy sharks like Max Netty are a threat to our Cinema Treasures.
Wait a minute! Is the auditorium still there? It better be.